Computer Science Level 1
In Level 1, students learn the basic computer science tools, and build websites & simple computer programs.
Technologies used include HTML5, Python, CSS3, and many others.
19 internal credits are available, plus 3 external credits, totalling 22 available credits.
BrochureComputer Science Level 2
In Level 2, students move on to more advanced systems, such as algorithms and advanced programs.
Students start to use languages such as PHP, and utilise the database server MySQL.
18 internal credits and 4 external credits are available, totalling 22 credits.
Image sourced from here licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
BrochureComputer Science Level 3
At Level 3, students are pushed to develop advanced computer programs and complex database systems.
Students mostly use technologies introduced in previous levels, but are introduced to some new utilities like jQuery.
18 internal credits are available.
Image sourced from here licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
BrochureTertary Courses
Computer science courses are available at many New Zealand universities.